Friday, March 14, 2014

The Biffy

Privy, john, biffy, crapper, or backhouse, whatever you call it, the outhouse was an essential architectural feature in Amesdale.

by Beatrice Ames

"We had a 'biffy' about 50 feet from the house, which was normal in country homes.  On those cold winter days, it was a cold spot to go to in -50F temperatures .   No one stayed there longer than necessary. 'Toilet Paper?'  What's that!  We always used the old Eaton's and Simpson Sears catalogue. The black and white pages were best.  The coloured ones were shinny and stiff - it took a lot of rubbing between your hands to soften them up!

We received the weekly Free Press and Prairie Farmer, and these went to the toilet, and served as toilet tissue.  As you waited, you could re-read the 'funnies' 

For Christmas, we always enjoyed the box of Japanese Oranges, and sometimes George and Bill brought us an extra one at Christmas time.  The wrappers were always soft, and were left in the biffy outside.

I guess we made the best of what we had, and were glad to have it!"

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