Friday, September 12, 2008

Queeny and Bessy

Queeny and Bessy belonged to George and Bill, the inseparable Radford brothers who owned one of the few teams in Amesdale. Although purchased to haul wood out of the bush for loading onto railway cars and shipment to Winnipeg, they served the community as ambulance, hearse, and taxi.

When Ote Thompson and Edward Radford passed away in the winters of 1943 and 1946 respectively, the sleigh carried their coffins to the Amesdale Cemetery. The team served as taxi, carrying the wedding party to Wick Cliff Lodge for Jim Radford and Mary Stouffer’s wedding in December, 1947. On a another winter in the 1950's, Ella Nelson suffered her first stroke and the team was used to rush her from the Nelson home at the airport to the store to meet a waiting taxi. At Christmastime, grandparents were ferried to the Radford home, and in the summer the team pulled a wagon loaded with kids, parents, and food to the Dominion Day picnics. Then there were the hay rides enjoyed by all.

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